1. Attach the bead to the hook and secure the hook into the vise. |
2. Attach the thread just behind the bead. Then, attach a copper wire to the top of the hook shank just behind the bead. |
3. Secure the wire along the top of the hook shank to the middle of the bend of the hook with thread wraps. Wrap the thread back to the bead, keeping the thread foundation smooth and even. |
4. Wrap the copper wire forward to the bead and secure with thread wraps. Notice that the wraps are tight together. |
5. Attach 3 Peacock herls by the tips behind the bead. Twist the herls into a chenille. Twisting around the thread will help strengthen the chenille. |
6. Wrap the herl 2-3 times for a full head and secure behind the eye with thread wraps.Whip Finish.
©2023 Steve Schalla
This page is not to be copied without
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