1. Tie in a fine copper wire ribbing. |
2. Tie in Z-lon for a tail, length about one shank. Leave forward section for an underwing. |
3. Tie in Antron yarn for body or apply Antron dubbing to thread. |
4.Wrap forward an Antron abdomen. Create a tapered body finishing about at the 3/4 position on the shank. |
5. Wind ribbing over the abdomen and z-lon that is placed on the top of the abdomen. |
6. Sweep the underwing back with some thread wraps and trim the underwing so that it does not extend beyond the hook bend. |
7. Attach an olive-dyed partridge feather tip above the Z-lon underwing with the concave side facing down. |
8. Adjust the length of the partridge feather so that it does not exceed that bend of the hook. |
9. Tie in a Peacock Herl thorax, wrap 3-4 turns and tie off. |
10. Whip Finish. |
©2023 Steve Schalla
This page is not to be copied without
my explicit permission.