Tying Instructions: California Mosquito

1. Attach the hook to the vise and attach your thread just behind the eye. Wrap back to the bend of the hook.
Step One
2. Clip 6-12 stiff hackle fibers from a tailing or spade hackle and keep the ends even. The length of the tails should be the same as the wing, from the eye to the bend of the hook. Position the tailing fibers at a 45 degree position in front of the shank and apply two soft thread loops, tightening them to bind the fibers to the top of the shank.
Step Two
3. Wrap the butt ends of the tailing fibers up to the 3/4 position of the hook shank for a smooth body foundation. Trim and secure the butt ends.
Step Three
4. Attach a strand of Black and a strand of White Floss to the 3/4 position of the shank and secure with thread wraps to the tail tie-in position. Wrap the thread back to the 3/4 position..
Step Four
5. Wrap the black floss forward for a thin tapered body just past the 3/4 position of the shank. Step Five
6. Twist the strand of white floss to a tight rope.
Step Six
7. Wrap it the white floss forward with spiral wraps about 4-5 times. Secure with thread wraps.
Step Seven
8. Select two hackle tips, removing the butt fibers to obtain the proper length. The wings should be equal to the tail length, from the eye to the bend of the hook. Step Eight
9. Place the paired wing tips with the base about one eye length behind the eye at the top of the shank. Secure with a couple of tight thread wraps and check position of the wings. If it looks good, secure with a few more wraps and trim off tag ends of the quills.

Step Nine
10. Attach a Grizzly hackle by the butt at the base of the wing with the shiny side facing you.. Step Ten
11. Wrap the hackle forward about 4-5 turns leaving room for the head. Secure the hackle, trim the butts, and wrap a small head.
Step Eleven
12. Whip Finish.
Step Twelve
8. The finished California Mosquito.
Step Thirteen

©2023 Steve Schalla
This page is not to be copied without my explicit permission.