1. Attach the strand of oval Silver Tinsel to the top of the hook shank about an eyelength behind the eye. |
2. Secure the silver tinsel to the top of the shank with thread wraps ending a little beyond the curve of the hook. |
3. Dub a thin abdomen with the beaver dubbing. Rabbit is also a good choice. Provide a gradual taper up to the thorax region. |
4. Wrap the silver tinsel forward leaving a gap between wraps that is about the same distance as the dubbed body is thick. Trim off the tag end of the tinsel and secure with thread wraps. |
5. Dub a thorax which is about 1.5 x's the thickness as the abdomen. Leave enough space behind the eye for the gills and head. |
6. Attach the ostrich herl just in front of the thorax. |
7. Wrap the herl forward 4-5 wraps and secure the tag end. Wrap thread to cover the tag ends of the herl and create a small head. Whip Finish. |
©2023 Steve Schalla
This page is not to be copied without
my explicit permission.