Bear Creek

Bear Creek

Suggested Flies for Bear Creek area:
Western Sierra Hatch Selection

Other Local Favorites:

Stillwater Flies:
Woolly Bugger #8-10
Mohair Leech #8-10
Matuku #8-10

Dry Flies:
Parachute Adams #16-18
Olive Caddis #16-18
Royal Wulff #16-18
Yellow Humpy #14
Griffith's Gnat #16-18
Black Gnat
Henrys Fork Hopper
Chernobyl Ant

Nymph Flies:
Hare's Ear #16-18
Prince Nymph #16-18

Directions: You can get to this region from three directions. From the West Side, you can get to Hilgard Branch by an 8 mile trek from Edison Lake or you can get to Blayney Meadows from a 3 mile hike from Florence Lake. From the East Side, you can get to East Pinnacles Creek by way of North Lake Trailhead over 11,400 feet Piute Pass on an 11 mile trek. All three routes eventually merge with the Pacific Crest Trail which brings you through the heart of the region.

Notes:Muir Trail Ranch
The headwwaters of Bear Creek are within the John Muir Wilderness. This area consists of Rainbows, Goldens, and Brookies mostly in the 10 inch class. The streams are generally pocket and pool waters with some high elevation meadow streams and lakes filled with Goldens. The John Muir/Pacific Crest Trail goes through the heart of this area and the proximity of both Edison and Florence make this region a good entrance/exit area for backpacking, leaving a car at either lake and providing for shuttle service. The total trek between the two lakes is about 25 miles going over 10,800 foot Selden Pass.

From Florence Lake you can reach the following waters:
SF San Joaquin River: It's about a 3 mile hike into Blayney Meadows from the southern end of Florence Lake where the ferry drops you off. Blayney Meadow is about 2 miles long and consists of a store at Muir Trail Ranch, Campgrounds, Hot Springs, and a meandering River through a meadow with good size Browns up to 14 inches. Beyond the meadow, the river becomes a typical riffle, run, and pool stream with both Browns and Rainbows in the 10-12 inch class. A trail follows the river into Kings Canyon Natinal Park. The park is about 3 miles upstream from Muir Trail Ranch.
Senger Creek: About 2.2 miles along the PCT from Muir Trail Ranch, the trail intersects Senger Creek at 9,750 feet. Working the creek upstream you will encounter Goldens in the 5-8 inch class. There is about 1 mile of stream until you hit it's first headwater lake at 10,400 feet. The creek is named for Joachim Senger, one of the four original founders of the Sierra Club.
Sallie Keyes Creek: The PCT reaches Sallie Keyes Creek just below one of it's lakes. It is about 3.5 miles from the Muir Trail Ranch with a 2,500 foot gain to 10,150 feet. The creek consists of Goldens somewhat larger than Senger's, in the 8-10 inch class. There is about 1/2 mile of creek both above and below the Sallie Keyes Lakes.
Sallie Keyes Lakes: Sallie Keyes Lakes were originally planted with Goldens from Golden Trout Creek in 1914. The latest planting occurred in 1985. The fish are able to sustain themselves due to the spawning habitats of the creek. Most of the Goldens are in the 8-10 inch class with some up to 12 inches. There are three lakes at 10,200 feet, about 4 miles from Muir Trail Ranch.
Heart Lake: This lake was also planted with Goldens in 1914. Most of the Goldens are in the 8-10 inch class. About 5 miles from Muir Trail Ranch at an elevation of 10,500 feet.

From Edison Lake, it is about a 4.6 mile hike to reach the PCT. From this trail, you can reach the following areas:
Bear Creek: The PCT reaches the headwaters of Bear Creek about 6.3 miles from Edison Lake after climbing over 9900 foot Bear Ridge. The creek is at 9000 feet elevation where the PCT and Bear Trail converge. You can follow Bear Creek about 2 miles up to Hilgard Branch. The creek will have a mix of Rainbows, Brookies, and Goldens. Mostly in the 10 inch size.
Hilgard Branch Bear Creek: A trail follow the Hilgard Branch up to it's headwaters of Lake Italy. There is about 4.5 miles of stream, mostly consisting of Goldens in the 8 inch class, going from 9400 to 11,130 feet elevation. It is about 8.3 miles to reach Hilgard Branch from Edison Lake.
Lake Italy: Consists of Goldens. Elevation is 11,130 feet. About 12.5 miles from Edison Lake.
Jumble Lake: Consists of Goldens. Elevation is 11,600 feet. About 13.6 miles from Edison Lake.
Brown Bear Lake: Consists of Goldens. Elevation is 11,100 feet. About 12 miles from Edison Lake.
East Fork Bear Creek: Consists of Goldens. The East Fork starts 10 miles from Edison Lake at about 9800 feet elevation and goes about 1.75 miles upstream to the first lake of Seven Gables Lakes at 10,700 feet.
Seven Gables Lakes: A series of about 10 lakes each containing Goldens. The lakes extend for about 2 miles and go from 10,700 to 11,000 feet. First lake is about 12 miles from Edison Lake.
Vee Lake: Consists of Goldens. About 13 miles from Edison Lake at 11,150 feet elevation.
Claw Lake: Consists of Goldens. You have to follow the shoreline of Vee Lake to get here. It's 14 miles from Edison Lake at 11,260 feet.
Big Bear Lake: Consists of Goldens. About 14 miles from Edison Lake at 11,400 feet.
Black Bear Lake : Consists of Goldens. About 15 miles from Edison Lake at 11,750 feet.
Ursa Lake: Consists of Goldens. About 14.5 miles from Edison Lake at 11,500 feet.
Bearpaw Lake: Consists of Goldens. About 15 miles from Edison Lake at 11,500 feet.

From North Lake it is an 11 mile trek over Piute Pass to reach the following areas:
Piute Creek Consists of Goldens. 11 miles from North Lake.
East Pinnacles Creek: Consists of Goldens. 11 miles from North Lake.
Ramona Lake: Consists of Goldens. About 12.5 miles from North Lake at 10,800 feet.
Negrit Lake: Consists of Goldens. About 12.5 miles from North Lake at 11,100 feet.
Jawbone Lake: Consists of Goldens. About 13.5 miles from North Lake at 11,500 feet.
Aweetasal Lake: Consists of Goldens. About 14.5 miles from North Lake at 11,400 feet.
West Pinnacles Creek: Consists of Goldens.
Spearmint Lake: Consists of Goldens. Elevation is 10,625 feet. 14 miles from North Lake.
Big Chief Lake: Consists of Goldens. Elevation is 10,875 feet. 14 miles from North Lake.
Old Squaw Lake: Consists of Goldens. Elevation is 11,050 feet.15 miles from North Lake.
Wampum Lake: Consists of Goldens. Elevation is 11,500 feet.
Turret Creek: Consists of Goldens.
Lower Turret Lake: Consists of Goldens. Elevation is 10,750 feet. 15 miles from North Lake.

©2023 Steve Schalla
This page is not to be copied without my explicit permission.