Tying Instructions |
(to Order Material, click the link)
Actual Ant |
Notes: This ant pattern has been around for some time as the Sailor Ant, a black body foam cylinder with the white tip but Lance Egan wanted to add some fish attracting features to make it "Bionic". He added small spanflex type legs and a watershed treated poly yarn wing to see it better. Lance also prefers to tie the pattern in larger, #10-12 sizes. He went with an oversize hackle to provide better floatation and trimmed the hackle below the body to set on the surface for a better profile. The Bionic Ant is smaller than the Chernobyl Ant but larger than the Cutter's Perfect Ant or Parachute Ant. It is best fished along banks and overhanging brush. According to Lance, "The Bionic Ant aided me (along with the Frenchie fly pattern) in my first World Fly Fishing Championship. While in Portugal in 2006 I collected my first World Championship "session win" (most total cm of fish in 3 hours) on the Alva River. Using the Bionic Ant with a Frenchie suspended below it I took 7 fish on a venue that was blanking most competitors. Those are the kind of things I don't forget!"
Variations: |
Bionic Ant, Cinnamon |
Materials: (to Order Material, click the link)
Bionic Ant, CDC |
Materials: (to Order Material, click the link)