Eastern Sierra Region 2

Eastern Sierra Nevada

Click the map or the link for a detailed map of the area:

1. West Walker Pickel Meadows

2. Swauger Creek

3. West Walker Upper Forks

4. East Walker

5. Bridgeport Reservoir

6. Buckeye Creek

7. Twin Lakes

8. Virginia Lakes

9. Northern Yosemite

Fishing Map Available

Covers the East Fork and West Fork Walker River, Bridgeport Reservoir, Twin Lakes, Virginia Lakes, Robinson and Buckeye Creeks. Shows topographic relief, GPS Long./Lat., camping areas, road access, and trailheads. Special Features are Suggested Flies, Hatch Chart, Fishing Season and Regulations, Fish Identification, Catch & Release Procedures, and Stream Etiquette guidelines.

Eastern Sierra Region 2

Eastern Sierra Map Region 2

$12.95 each

© 2021 Steve Schalla
This page is not to be copied without my explicit permission.
Virginia Lakes Northern Yosemite West Walker Upper Forks Swauger Creek Buckeye Creek Bridgeport Reservoir East Walker West Walker Pickel Meadows Twin Lakes