Edison Lake

Edison Lake

Suggested Flies for Edison Lake area:
Western Sierra Hatch Selection

Other Local Favorites:

Stillwater Flies:
Woolly Bugger #8-10
Mohair Leech #8-10
Matuku #8-10

Dry Flies:
Parachute Adams #16-18
Olive Caddis #16-18
Royal Wulff #16-18
Yellow Humpy #14
Griffith's Gnat #16-18
Black Gnat
Henrys Fork Hopper
Chernobyl Ant

Nymph Flies:
Hare's Ear #16-18
Prince Nymph #16-18

Directions: From Fresno, take Highway 168 up to Huntington Lake, about 65 miles. To get to the Edison Lake, continue from Highway 168 to Kaiser Pass Road. Take Kaiser Pass Road about 21 miles. Turn left on the road to Mono Hot Springs and continue to Edison Lake.

Notes:Edison Lake
Edison is a large recreational lake covering 1800 acres, 11 miles of shoreline, and was constructed in 1928 at 7,650 feet by a rock-filled dam over Mono Creek. The lake is accessible after snow melt usually around Memorial Day. It offers campsites, resort, boat ramps and a trailhead to Pacific Crest Trail. A ferry service is available to get to the other side. Edison contains mostly rainbows in the 10-12 inch class with some large Browns and brookies. The lake record for Browns is 23 Lbs. 4 oz. Some of these Browns will get up to 18 inches and will move into the creeks during the Fall to spawn. During the first week of June, a Carpenter Ant hatch occurs. The inlet of Mono Creek and Cold Creek are some of the better sites to fish by float tube or boat and along the northern shore. Spring and Fall are the best times to fish this lake as the fish move into the mid- channel by Summer. The season is the last Saturday of April to November 15th.
The trail along the northern shoreline has an offshoot that runs along Cold Creek. Cold Creek consists of Brookies and Rainbows. The trail along the creek will take you to:
Devil's Bathtub: (elevation; 9,127 feet), consists of Rainbows and Brookies. About 4.7 miles from Edison Lake.
Lower Graveyard Lake: (elevation; 10,000 feet), consists of Brookies. About 7.3 miles from Edison Lake.
Upper Graveyard Lake: (elevation; 10,400 feet), consists of Rainbows. About 8 miles from Edison Lake.

A the east end of Edison Lake, you can follow Mono Creek to Mono Pass and Little Lakes Valley behind Rock Creek Lake. Mono Creek, depending upon elevation, is one of the few streams within the Sierras that has the Sierra Grand Slam of Rainbows, Brookies, Browns, and Goldens. You can follow the North Fork of Mono Creek along the Pacific Crest Trail reaching Silver Pass Lake at 10,360 feet. Silver Pass Lake and the Silver Pass Creek below has Goldens in the 7-10 inch class. The creek is only 2 miles in length with many parts unfishable due to steep cascades. Try the deep pools of the creek below the lake. The NF of Mono Creek in this area has larger Golden Hybrids in the 10-12 inch class.
The main fork of Mono Creek just above Edison Lake has Browns in the 8-10 inch class with some up to 12". As you go further upstream, you will encounter more Rainbows.

Bear Creek is known to consist of Rainbows, Brookies, and Goldens. It is a freestone creek with many pockets and pools. Most of these fish are in the 10 inch class. The Goldens are in the Hilgard branch, up to 8 inches. Other lakes within the area are:
Hilgard Lake: (elevation: 11,400 feet), consists of Brookies. About 10.75 miles from Edison Lake.
Apollo Lake: (elevation: 10,400 feet), consists of Goldens. About 10 miles from Edison Lake.
Cirque Lake: (elevation: 10,400 feet), consists of Rainbows. About 12 miles from Edison Lake.
Marcella Lake: (elevation: 9,760 feet), consists of Rainbows and Brookies. About 10.7 miles from Edison Lake.

© 2023 Steve Schalla
This page is not to be copied without my explicit permission.
Edison Lake Edison Lake Mono Creek Mono Hot Springs Cafe