Lay a thread foundation on the hook shank from the 1/4 length behind the eye to the bend of the hook. |
Select two blood marabou plumes and match up the tips. |
Measure the length of the marabou to be about 2 times the length of the shank. |
Secure the marabou to the bend of the hook and secure the tag end of the marabou with thread wraps to the mid-point of the shank. Twist the remaining tag and clip with scissors. |
Fold a Schlappen feather back along it's axis. This will help to sweep the fibers back along the shank. Attach the schlappen feather, by the tip just in front of the tail tie-position. Secure the tip along the shank with thread wraps and bring the thread back to the tail tie-in position. |
Next, attach a section of Estaz to the base of the tail and wrap forward. |
Wrap the Estaz to the 1/4 point of the shank and secure with thread wraps. |
8. Palmer the schlappen feather with spirol wraps up to the end of the Estaz. Use your fingers to stroke the fibers back on every turn. | ||
Secure the Schlappen just in front of the Estaz with thread wraps |
10. Attach a pair of legs to the top of the hook shank where the Schlappen hackle and Estaz were secured. | ||
11. Secure the legs so that a pair of legs drop on each side of the hook shank. Do not crowd the eye. | ||
12. Clip a section of Artic Fox Fur and measure the length of the fur so that it does not extend past the mid point of the tail. | ||
13. Flip this section of fur around so that it extends in front of the eye and secure the base of the fur with thread wraps behind the eye. | ||
14. Bring the fur back over the body and secure with additional thread wraps, finishing with a whip knot. | ||
15. Finished back hook. | ||
16. Attach a second hook to the vise and insert a section of 25 lb. Mono through the eye of the back hook. Attach a glass bead through both ends of the mono to create a loop. | ||
17. Attach both ends of the monoline to the top of the hook shank. Ssecure with thread wraps. | ||
18. Apply some superglue to the wraps. | ||
19. Do the same procedures as the back hook sans the tail. Attach the Estaz and Schlappem hackle to the bend of the hook.. | ||
20. Wrap the Estaz forward to the 1/4 point of the shank | ||
21.Check the sculpin head for fit so that the eye of the hook extends fully out from the head. | ||
Palmer the Schlappen forward to the 1/4 mark. Add a couple of wraps of the Schlappen at the 1/4 mark and secure with thread wraps. Trim off the tag end of the Schlappen. |
23. Attach a pair of legs to the top of the hook shank where the Schlappen hackle and Estaz were secured. | ||
24. Check again that the skullhead will fit easily with the hook eye extended beyond the head. | ||
25. Flip the hook and clip a section of Artic Fox Fur and measure the length of the fur so that it extends just past the bead. | ||
26. Attach the fur so that it extends in front of the eye and secure the base of the fur with thread wraps behind the eye. Bring the fur back over the body and secure with additional thread wraps, finishing with a whip knot. | ||
27. Bring the fur back over the body and secure with additional thread wraps. | ||
28. Add Light Olive Nymph Dubbing behind the eye with some figure eight wraps. | ||
29. Whip Finish. | ||
30. Apply Super Glue. | ||
31. Fit the Sculpin head so that the eye of the hook extends full out from the head.. | ||
The Finished Headbanger. |
©2023 Steve Schalla
This page is not to be copied without
my explicit permission.