Tying Instructions: WD 40

1. Start the thread on the hook behind the eye. Wrap the thread to the middle of the bend of the hook. This will be the tail tie-in position. Adjust the hook in the vise so that the bend of the hook is at an apex.
Step One
2. We are going to use Wood Duck for the tail and wingcase, the feather is on the left. Mallard Flank dyed Wood Duck is also commonly used, it is the feather on the right. Note that they both have barring or dark horizontal markings. Wood Duck tends to be a little stiffer than Mallard Flank and Mallard tends to have longer strands.
Step Two
3. The portion of the Wood Duck Feather that we will take from is in the inner 3/4 of the feather. The tip strands are too short and the basal strands lack in distinct barring.
Step Three
4. Cut along the quill about 8-10 fibers. Keep the tips even and attach the fibers at the tail tie-in position so that the tailing end is about the same length as the hook gap.
Step Four
5. Secure the tag end of the fibers along the top of the hook shank up to an eye width behind the eye. Do not trim the tag. Step Five
6. Pull the tag end back towards the tail and secure with thread wraps to the position where the thorax will be. This will be just above the point of the hook. Step Six
7. Most WD 40's use Superfine dubbing for the thorax. The original WD 40 used Muskrat dubbing. The dubbing material is the grayish underfur below the guard hairs.
Step Seven
8. Twist some of the muskrat dubbing onto the thread with a clockwise motion. Push the material upwards along the thread as close to the hook shank as possible. Step Eight
9. Lock the fibers to the hook shank with one wrap. Then, twist the material further to compact the dubbing around the thread. Wrap a thorax that is football shaped.
Step Nine
10. Bring the butt ends of the Wood Duck fibers over the thorax for a wingcase. Take some care to spread the fibers equally over the back. Pull on the tag ends over the eye so that the material is snug against the thorax and secure with a few thread wraps. You can make legs with the remaining but ends by sweeping them back. The original WD 40 did not have legs. Step Ten
11. Snip off the butt ends of the Wood Duck and secure with some thread wraps. Whip Finish. Step Eleven

©2023 Steve Schalla
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