Sexstone Nymph


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Hook TMC 200R #6-10
Thread Danville Rusty Brown 6/0
Head Gold Tungsten Bead
Weight 0.020 Leadfree wire
Butt Olive Superfine dubbing
Body Peacock Herl
Tail and Antennae Golden Stone Goose Biots
Collar Peacock Herl
Wingcase Clear Dura Skin
Legs Brown Rubberlegs
Ribbing Small Copper Wire
Black Stonefly Nymph
Black Stonefly Nymph

Sexstone Nymph

Mike Sexton is a guide out of the Reno Fly Shop. He came up with this pattern when he was a member of the US Fly Fishing team. Through international competition, Mike became familiar with Czech Nymphing and adapted this variation of the Twenty Incher for Czech Nymphing purposes. The Peacock Herl is chenille with three strands and wrapped throughout the entire body, I use a single strand of herl for the collar behind the bead. You could use a dubbed underbody if you preferred to build the body up.Mike Sexton

Dura Skin is used for the wingcase (Mike originally used the leather back from his lounger) and the legs are rubberlegs, rather than partridge, providing plenty of durability and action within fast moving water. There are a number of synthetic peacock chenille is available that can provide additional durability. However, none of these synthetics can provide the iridescence and fine hair-like qualities of the peacock herl. The pattern is heavily weighted with the tungsten bead and the leadfree wire wraps. Use this pattern in combination with another medium weighted nymph within riffle drop-offs and pocket water. This pattern is considered a heavy nymph so is often the fly that is bouncing the bottom with a multiple fly rig.