Artificial Jungle Cock


SKU: AJC Category:


Real Jungle Cock is available within the United States if the birds are raised in captivity. Not many are successful and the skins are very expensive, usually about $500 per skin. The Grey Jungle fowl is indigenous to India and has been banned to exportation since 1967. Many of the classical salmon and steelhead fly patterns utilize the “nail feathers” of the Jungle Cock and some current patterns still utilize this feather as well. Some tyers will paint an eye on a black hackle as a substitute. But with precision printing and laser cutting available, an artificial Jungle Cock may be the best alternative. Go ahead…put that artificial Jungle Cock on your next Gray Ghost.

Hareline has Artificial Jungle Cock in four sizes with 48 nails per pkg. They have the same shape and look like the real thing. They can be easily tied onto the pattern. Give them a try.

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Extra Small, Small, Medium, Large