Flicon DS Silicone Fly Boxes from Hareline are designed for durability. They are molded with the slits rather than having the slits cut after the molding process, reducing both wear and tear of the silicon material. Not only does this increase durability but it also dramatically reduces the cost of manufacture.
Silicon has been proven to hold flies securely in place and not wear out like foam does. Always back the hook into and out of the slot to prevent damaging the silicon. If done properly, this fly box will last you years on the water. The boxes have a tight gasket and clasp to keep water outside the box. The double side capability gives you double the holding capacity. Medium (4″ x 7.25″) box will hold over 300 flies. The Flicon DS Silicone Fly Box is only 1″ tall.
For more information on Fly Boxes, visit our website.