Hareline Dubbing Dispenser


SKU: Dub5 Category:


Hareline Dubbing Dispenser contains rabbit fur dubbing. The dubbing is 100% natural and perfectly blended to be easily workable. Used for years this easy to dub universal product is a must have for a tiers bench.

Each of the colors in the Hareline Dubbing Dispenser is blended entirely out of quality rabbit hair, and with a perfect combo of underfur and guard hair, your nymphs will always have a natural look with just the right amount of movement–even better, the dispenser is reusable and the holes make it easy to pinch out just the right amount.  See Color Chart.

Traveller’s Dispenser (Dub 5) consists of: Light Cahill, March Brown, Gray, Hares Ear, Dark Hares Ear, Black, Olive, Caddis Green, Chocolate Brown, Cinnamon Caddis, Olive Brown, and Olive Hares Ear

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