Pyramid Lake Leader


SKU: 59115 Category:


Mike Peters

Mike Peters

The Pyramid Lake Leader designed by Umpqua specifically for stripping multiple streamers from the beaches of Pyramid Lake. Pyramid Lake covers 125,000 acres, making it one of the largest natural lakes in the state of Nevada. Pyramid Lake is also the biggest remnant of ancient Lake Lahontan, the colossal inland sea that once covered most of Nevada. The Lahontan Cutthroats can grow to over 20 lbs in Pyramid Lake.

The season begins October 1st and the Lahontan cutthroats are hunting for the pods of Tui Chub that inhabit the lake. The water is warm so the cutthroats are in 15-40 feet of water. From a float tube or boat, it is critical to present the streamer at the right depth.  A shooting head with fast sinking rate is necessary to get baitfish patterns quickly down to 15-40ft. During this time of year, October to November, stripping setups with big baitfish patterns will produce the best streamer grabs of the year.

Pyramid Lake Leader is constructed with a 7” 12LB dropper tag at the 3’ mark followed by another 3’of 12LB hard nylon allows for easy Wooly Worm, Boobie, or streamer attachment.

For more information on Leaders, visit our website.