Stonfo Turbo Dubbing Spinner


SKU: FO684 Category:


Use the Stonfo Turbo Dubbing Spinner tool to produce dubbing brushes of all kinds. The Turbo Dubbing Spinner can be adapted to any vise. This device, when secured in the jaws of any tying vise, makes dubbing brush production quicker and easier. With the dubbing brush device (available separately) and the Stonfo Turbo Dubbing Spinner, you enter into the world of custom dubbing brushes. A world of choices in fibers, colors and size, to customize your flies.

A dubbing brush is a great way to create durable flies. The dubbing brush allows you to tie around 6 flies in the time it takes you to make one budding loop.  A dubbing brush is made with a light wire core.  This gives you the advantage to create numerous brushes and store them for future use.  This technique replaces the Dubbing Loop method. A dubbing “brush” made with thread is what you get when you form a “dubbing loop”.  The thread loop has to be attached to the hook at one end and the spinner/whirl at the other in order to hold tension on the thread.

For more information on Fly Tying Tools, please visit our website.